Royal Danish Consulate
New Zealand


 Visiting Denmark

 About Denmark

 Obtaining a Danish  Birth Certificate

 Obtaining a Danish  Passport

 Danish Citizenship

 Obtaining a Danish  Driver's Licence

 Certificate of  Criminal Record  (Straffeattest)

 Visas, Residence,  Study and Work  Permits for  Denmark

 Learning Danish

 Trading with  Denmark

 Danish &  Scandinavian Clubs  Societies

 Danish Church
 New Zealand

 Registering with the
 Ministry of Foreign

 Contact Us

 24 hour emergency  service


Visas, Residence, Study and Work Permits for Denmark

In New Zealand, visas, residence, study and work permits for Denmark will now be issued by BLS International, a private company that has been sub-contracted by the Danish government to perform this work. It applies to all types of visa for Denmark, including Green Cards and Family re-union visas. Their New Zealand office is located in Wellington.

If you wish to apply for a visa or a residence/work permit, you need to submit the application to BLS International in Wellington. All the information you require to submit an application may be found on the BLS International website:

Any inquiries about Visas, Residence, Work and Study permits should be directed to BLS International, and not to the Danish representations in New Zealand.